Want To Travel ? Just Visit Travelblog.id
To make it easier to find travel references now travelblog.id is a website that is highly recomended in providing information on tourist attractions in Indonesia and outside Indonesia as knowledge that whants to travel to various places.
People who access the website travelblog.id will be able to immediately see a varietly of reviews from the contributors about the tour that you can visit with family and closest people.
For users who whant to provide information ranging from location, travel, culinary, and others. Of course users must have registered as travelblog.id users. To make it easier, in addition to users can register through their own email address travelblog.id also provides sign-in facilities through Facebook and Google+ accounts.
Travelblog.id writting content comes from contributors, various articles have different language styles and perspectives.
www.travelblog.id |
General information about Travelblog.id
If you need further information, you can reach us in our Contact Us Page.
Please not that Travelblog.id has the right to change and renew out Terms of Services without and notice.
We also have the right to edit or changes the entire content contained in the Travelblog.id website.
This is how to join Travelblog.id
1. Sign in at user Travelblog.id or sign up if not registered yet.
2. Enter the dashboard and complete the profile.
3. Click create article then write the exprerience and add some cool photos. Contributor can write article in Indonesia or English.
4. When you have finished writing, click save as draft.
5. In the draft article menu you can edit the text before sending.
6. If you best article is finished, click send.
7. Article that have been send will be in the pending article menu and in the process for editor'approval.
8. The selected article will appear in the published article menu.
9. Article are already www.travelblog.id for bahasa article and https://www.travelblog.id/en/ for English article.
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Regulation of points
Point is a loyalty pprogramme for Travelblog.id contributor that has Travelblog.id account. Contributor of Travelblog.id account will get some point if the content (an article, photo and video) sucessfully published. We willy review the content first before we published.
The utility of the point or the contributor of Travelblog.id is to redeem the prize that Travelblog.id providing. Every prize may be changed without any notice information.
Collecting Point Procedures
To adding a total point, you can write an article or jurnal your traveling story via Travelblog.id. The more you contribute to post content, the more you get the point.
The total point that you collect from the article and journal that you made will automatically be calculated by our system. Our editor or team support cannot change or add your point.
Travelblog.id has many advantages that can be useful for users who access websites from the point of appreciation and others.
Visit social media
Website : https://www.travelblog.id
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/travelblogid/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/travelblogid/
Twitter : http:s//www.twitter.com/travelblogind
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